1. If you previously or currently serve in a public office, what did you accomplish in that capacity related to furthering inclusion and equity?
I served on the Affordable Housing Committee. I encourage the city’s policy of hiring with inclusion and equity in mind.
2. What have you done or do you do in your personal and/or professional life to further inclusion and equity?
I attend trainings offered by Lewis and Clark Community College and I practice inclusion and equity in my classroom and organizations to which I belong. I attend meeting when I can and learned a lot from the panel presentation on housing after the MLK Celebration at Mt. Joy. I work with the YMCA to strengthen inclusion and equity in our greater community.
3. Do you support increasing affordable housing in Edwardsville? Why or why not? What would you like to see the City do regarding housing policy and planning?
I love Edwardsville Senior Living, attended its grand opening and tour and was blessed to hear stories from residents. I believe that is a good example of what we have done and could continue to do. Currently no building is very affordable in today’s market.
4. How do you feel the City has done in implementing the recommendations from its 2020 Race Relations and Equality Report? If elected, would you support improving race relations and racial equality in Edwardsville? Why or why not? What would you like to see the City do regarding race relations and equality?
I believe that we are working closely with the Human Relations Committee and praise its miembers.
5. Do you support the City of Edwardsville utilizing affirmative action policies in employment and contracting? Why or why not?
I believe in hiring the most qualified applicant for the job. I have seen the city make great hires in my tenure.
6. Do you support the City of Edwardsville’s Human Relations Committee’s recommendation to change the names of the City’s Daddy Daughter Dance and Mother Son Day of Fun events to have gender-inclusive titles? Why or why not?
I believe we should stay away from changing sold out events. I have never attended so I will defer to the committee.
7. Do you support relocating the Ninian Edwards statue out of City Plaza? Why or why not?
Do you think the conference room in city hall should continue to be named the Governor Edwards Conference Room? Why or why not?
I supported the mayor’s decision to lower the statue. I believe that the new interpretive panels will put Edwards in context. I am for the lesson in all of this. I am an educator and believe in learning from our history.
8. If elected (or re-elected), what would you do to foster inclusion and equity in Edwardsville?
I will continue to practice inclusion and equity personally and work to maintain our inclusive environment.