On December 2, 2020, Our Edwardsville co-sponsored a virtual community forum, Beyond the Bronze: The Ninian Edwards Statue in Context. You can watch the forum at https://siue.techsmithrelay.com/joLq
On January 1, 2021, on the 203rd anniversary of Governor Edwards’ veto of Illinois’ indenture repeal law, Our Edwardsville released a video with interviews of historians about the veto and its context. You can watch these interviews at: https://siue.techsmithrelay.com/ztLr
SIUE’s Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (THRT) Center has a Sankofa Lecture Series as part of SIUE’s participation in the Universities Studying Slavery (USS) Consortium.
*You can access the September 24, 2020 Sankofa lecture on Monuments in the age of Black Lives Matter that discussed monuments in the St. Louis and metro east area and gave background and context on monuments, especially Confederate monuments, at: https://siue.techsmithrelay.com/0MnJ
*You can access the second Sankofa lecture from November 5, 2020, The Myths of Slavery, at https://siue.techsmithrelay.com/8iny